応援いただけましたら励みになります(・ω・)ノシ       にほんブログ村 科学ブログ 物理学へ

Good Bye Mr.Gasiorowicz

September is the term meeting and farewell.
...except in Japan.

I can recall vivid scene where I am saying "I will follow you, Sir, as far as I can"
Because it has not been gone a few days yet... from such my statement war-horse shit.

I am sending eight thousands words of thanks to you, Mr. Gasirowicz, You did it...you made this semi-retired Chinese-Japanese translator to a certain Ph.D initial year student of quantum physics.
No your guidance, no present stairway step up.

Just a bit mismatch, for example you're going the rail of on unit system within electromagnetics, that's quite not the matter in center of our road like as a epsilon naught in squared root, let me aware making suit on current issues.

epsilon naught in the squared root...anyway, I would like to say again.

May I read back? when I feel convenient?